Wednesday, April 13, 2005

Avery had to be at school very early this morning...the Rocket Team had a video conference call with NASA. The final communication before they leave for Alabama next Thursday.

While we were driving on the more-than-usually-empty freeway, I told him a silly thing that happened this morning. He wasn't amused. I chatted a little. He didn't respond much. I checked the clock to see if we were on time...we were. (avery hates to be late)

Finally it hit me..."are you nervous?" Before he could answer, I decided to rephrase it so it didn't sound so much like it was just him but everybody. "I you all get nervous before these conference calls?"

"Mom..." he said patiently but a little irritated, "we're talking to NASA techs."

O.K. I get it. He's nervous. I guess I would be, too. Except that I know him...I know the presentation he has on PowerPoint is exceptional...not just good enough...but exceptional. I know that when the people from NASA see their presentation, not only will the information be accurate, but the presentation will be enjoyable.

I know my Avery...he is a very talented young man who not only understands the technical side of how to make it work, but the heart of the to make it cool...enjoyable...visually stimulating.

So, dropping this big kid off this morning to a school that was virtually a ghost town except for the few teachers who were already there and the Rocket Team, I watched him walk away tall and proud...and a little anxious.

He steps differently when he's nervous. I know this because he's mine...and I've watched him for many years. I like studying my kids...figuring out what's going on deep inside. (they probably would tell you I don't know...but I think I do.)

I also know that whatever he has to face today, he is prepared. His Dad and I have given him many years of love and training that has delivered him to this point. This is the year he has begun to step out of our shadows and into his own light. Although he's always been extraordinary, it is this year that has brought him to a place of individuality. Away from me, his Dad, and his sister.

The great thing is, he'll always have me, his Dad, and his sister there for him. (and he knows that)

Just as I know my kids, I would guess God knows me... studies me... enjoys listening to the "way down deep" heart that beats for Him. I think he probably has confidence in me in ways that I don't always have in myself. He probably steps back and says, "I know she will conquer and excel at whatever she faces today because she's mine. I know because of what I've poured into Spirit."

By the way...Avery just called. The presentation went beautifully. NASA said they are the most prepared and accurate team they've ever dealt with.

I'm sure proud of that young man.

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