Friday, November 25, 2005

Thanksgiving was wonderful. We were at my Mom's and enjoyed the day with my favorite Aunt and Uncle, a niece and her fiance, a friend from the past and with her a new friend, and my big brother, along with Lex, the kids and I. Steve and Lisa and James were with her family this year.

We laughed, ate, groaned, ate more, and laughed more. It never fails that when we are all around my Mom's table, we end up talking about the past. Funny stories, silly things that happened, and always something comes up that my Mom didn't know about. She's either a great actress, or we really did pull the wool over her eyes from time to time. Hard to believe. I thought she knew everything.

It makes me wonder what it will be like when I'm 70ish and sitting around the table with my kids and grandkids and who knows who. Will they tell me things I didn't know?

Ultimately, what comes out of those days is the overwhelming thought that we are so blessed. Blessed to have each other, blessed to be in a country that allows so many freedoms, and above all, blessed to be a child of God.

I hope your day was wonderful.


~Jodi~ said...

Your blog is a blessing! You have such a great heart and it always encourages me when I read your entries! Glad to hear your Thanksgiving was so nice!
Many Blessings,

Brady said...

We are clueless to what our kids are really up to. No matter how good they are. And that's o.k., as long as they eventually inform us…

cwinwc said...

Amen to your thoughts. My parents are both gone but I do remember having the same kinds of conversations with respect to getting away with liidy.

Thurman8er said...

We missed you all. It was nice being with Lisa's side though. I'm so blessed to have married into a family I love as much as my own.

cwinwc said...

Where is Sandra? I hope you haven't given in to kkyzhaov?

Thurman8er said...

It should be known to all, if you happen to be checking, that in addition to planning the weekly worship, Sandra is also planning and rehearsing for the Christmas musical and making all the arrangements for the ZOE group to come in January.

She's got an excuse for her lack of blog. Nothing though to explain her atqynun.

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