Monday, November 14, 2005

A young lady (13 years old) had called during the week and said she was wanting to be baptized this Sunday. Wonderful. The plans were set in motion. She came prepared for the morning with no make-up, hair in a pony tail, wearing flip-flops. Her Mom had with her a bag of "stuff". Change of clothes, brush, towels, etc.

When the song was sung, she made her move. Other young girls followed to "help" her, along with her Mom and one of our most faithful and beautiful "senior" women. I couldn't help but wonder how many times this women had been on this journey with people. I remember her being in the back with me when I was baptized.

The song was over, Communion was shared, and then we all were blessed to witness this young girl offer her life to God through baptism. It was beautiful and innocent and full of good things.

During Communion, before this baptism took place, I watched a young lady make her way to one of our sweet Elders. She quietly kneeled down, said something to him, and he moved over to make a place for her on his pew. He sat with his arm around her, both of them continuing to be engaged in what was taking place. She leaned over and said something to him, they talked, she cried, he kept holding on to her and displayed patience as she talked a little bit at a time to him...

The assembly time was officially over, but worship continued as they sat and cried and prayed and talked. Finally, he announced she wanted to be baptized. Those who were still in the auditorium stayed and some went to get others who had gone on to class. We've known this girl since she was tiny and her Mom came as a young single mother to our College age class.

She grew up, took some wrong turns, ended up in an abusive relationship. She and her two baby girls left that relationship and has been kind of searching and wandering since. Yesterday, she decided to "come home".

Steve Thurman had talked just moments before about the prodigal son...this was it. On the one hand, we had this young, innocent, sweet 13 year old wanting to give her life to Jesus Christ. No big disasters in her life...just wanted to be a follower of Jesus.

On the other hand, there was this other precious one who had been there, decided against it, left, had her fun with nobody to tell her what to do, and in the process had lost herself and realized there was only one place she wanted to fellowship with those who supported her and in the arms of a God who would love her matter where she had been in previous months/years.

What a great morning...
Blessings to you all.


cwinwc said...

Your comments reminded of the same dynamic that takes place in the “His Needs/Her Needs Classes.” Couples after the same goal, a vibrant marriage, but from very different backgrounds in their “marriage walks.” Some are just starting, some are starting again, and some wish they hadn’t started at all. It makes you feel good when your church can accommodate folks with and without baggage. I’m glad you had a good day of worship.
ckoiseg (The drink of Proverbs 31)

Thurman8er said...

One of my favorite moments was when I was hugging her and she told me I was kind of an "uncle." So sweet. But not nearly as sweet as when I was hugging her again, after the baptism, and she said, "I feel so much BETTER."

How amazing is our Father's love.

Brady said...

Thanks for the Good News!

Generous Kitchen said...

Greg...I guess because I know you and have seen you often, I assumed you knew my brother, too! Silly me!

He's a great guy...but a little two will probably get along beautifully! :)

cwinwc said...

Sandra- I like Steve too and I want to meet him (and you unless we've met already?) as well so I can join this compound inequality when you put 2 math teachers / 2 preachers/1 elder together.
hgazgba (ancient gaggle of ministers/math teachers/elders)

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