Monday, November 07, 2005

We have hit a little blip in the radar of the Henderson household.

I will explain more at another time, but for today, I would ask that you take a second to pray for our family. Nothing devastating, just a speed bump that Satan would like to use to discourage us and take our focus off whatever is good.

So, when I can share, I will. But for now, just pray that we continue to be a strong family who's goal everyday is to serve God.

I love the Matthew 6:33 scripture from a not so familiar version:

He will give you all you need from day to day if you make the kingdom of God your primary concern.

I love that. So much power and peace and assurance in those words.

I hope your weekend was wonderful. I pray this week proves to be productive and fun!

Happy Monday, Bloggers!

1 comment:

cwinwc said...

My prayers are with you and your family. May you see God through this challenge for He will see you through it. Take care.

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