Monday, April 20, 2009

Pleasing all of the people...

My goal is to please all of the people...all of the time.

However, according to a well-known gentleman, (Mr. Lincoln), "You can please some of the people all of the time, and all of the people some of the time, but you can't please all of the people all of the time."

So, yesterday, when some people told me how much the service, specifically the music, blessed them, I was pleased. They (the pleased ones) spoke of how specific songs had blessed them...even quoted some words from songs which gave me great encouragement to think that the Spirit had worked through, (or maybe in spite of) me.

And then, within a few steps, there was a "joking comment" about how the songs just didn't hit the mark for them. They felt disconnected and wondered what I was thinking when I put the service together...

And, wouldn't you know, within a few more steps toward my office, another person said what a beautiful "flavor" a specific song had for her. How it blessed her and how encouraged she was with the service this morning.

And finally, (really too much back and forth for my sensitive heart), at lunch with some friends, one of them said..."what was up with the songs this morning? what happened? what was wrong?"

So there you have it. A morning of "to please or not to please".

Now, we can all sit in a holy position and say "your job isn't to please the people...but God."

Well, duh...I know that...BUT, if the folks can't get engaged, if we can't draw them in, if we "miss the mark", then it's difficult for them to hear and see God in what's harder to encourage, and virtually impossible to speak a word of discipline or challenge...right?

So, I completely understand Abe...I know I can't please everybody, and I know my goal is to follow the lead of the Spirit each week.

I just find it so very interesting that God made us all after His image...but so completely different!

And you go! Enjoy this.

1 comment:

cwinwc said...

My hat is off to you and all the folks who plan and facilitate worship in our churches. Your ministry / job is much like an official at a basketball game.

When that official blows his or her whistle, it may the most textbook call and yet, half the gym will be upset with the call.

Hang in there.