Wednesday, January 18, 2006

There's only so much you can write when it's the Wednesday before a National Worship Conference which begins Friday...

However, as God always does, He allowed me to go, go, go, and then finally, drew my attention back to Him.

I started to have some minor physical problems that, if it were not the week of the conference, I would have ignored. However, I need to be at my best, so I called my Dr and went in yesterday at 10:40 am. I didn't really have much time, but knew it was the best course of action. So, at 11:30, when I was still in the waiting room, I went up the the front counter and asked if they had forgotten me. They informed me that she was running one to two hours behind.

What should I have said then? What would you have said?

"You have got to be kidding me!" I said graciously. (insert sarcastic tone here)

They finally got me in. Told me my heart wasn't pumping like it should so my veins weren't contracting like they should so my ankles and feet are becoming the size of my thighs. (and if you've seen me, you know that's not a good thing!).

"We need to do an ultra sound of your heart to see what's going on." the Dr. said.

Do you know what I said?

"I don't have time for this. I'll worry about it next week."

Isn't that silly? Now that I look back on it, that was really silly.

Anyway, she listened to my worried words about all I have to do and how I'm already late for a meeting at my office and I hate to keep people waiting and next week I will promise to look into this heart thing and can you please just give me something to get me through Sunday so I can finish this Conference up successfully!

Her response..."you know that was all in one breath, in fact, I haven't noticed you actually take a deep breath since you've been here...and, it sounds like you're not depending on your source of strength...and, yes, I'll give you 4 pills to get you through this week, but then you come back and we'll see what's going on with your heart."


I'm glad I didn't have to get tough with her. But that "source of strength" comment was a low blow. She's a Christian...we've talked before...she's asked me to pray for her daughter, we've shared thoughts on mothering, etc...

So, yesterday, once again, God had to grab my face and make me look in his eyes.

Thank you, God.

Pray for this weekend.
Pray for the travelers to be safe.
Pray we don't have fog that hinders the planes from arriving.
Pray that God is all over this weekend...all over this church...all over the speakers, teachers, singers, participants...all over our hearts.


julie said...

Sandra, take care of yourself. God wants us to take care of ourselves. You know the speech on the airplane...put your own oxygen mask on first or you can't be of any help to anyone else. Praying for you and for the weekend.

cwinwc said...

Will do and we'll keep you in prayer as well.

I'm sending you a "deep breath" from the east coast.

May God put some folks at your disposal to take some of the load off of you.

Thurman8er said...

A deep breath in the doctor's office??? I don't think I've seen you take a deep breath since you began your career in ministry!

Yeah. Something to think about.

(I started getting excited today for ZOE. I've been too busy to be excited. Aaron lent me some CD's of Randy Harris and I've been listening. I've also been reading some Leonard Sweet. I can't wait to meet/hear them. But I'm still mostly anxious to hear Mike. And, y'know, John. Okay, mostly John. Don't tell anybody I said that.)

I love you. Take care of yourself or I'm going to start crying and stuff. Nobody wants to see that.

Brandon Scott Thomas said...

can't wait to see you and can't wait for our post arrival tradition of SERIOUS mexican food!!!! YEAAAAAAAAAAAAAA!

Brady said...

I'd like to have a couple dozen of those pills.

You take care of yourself just like you want husband to take care of himself.

cwinwc said...

Make that several deep breaths in the doctor's office!

Dan Dalzell said...

I've been thinking about you and the conference and praying for it all. Depend on your "Source of Strength" today! Breathe, relax, enjoy, worship, breathe, breathe, breathe. . .

Wish I could have been there!

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