Monday, January 16, 2006

18 years ago today I was tired, overwhelmed, and blessed beyond my wildest dreams.

My sweet Ashley was born...

When I began this journey of parenting, I had no idea what I was doing. I had no clue what a difficult thing it was. I had no concept of what it felt like to have such unconditional love and acceptance for another person.

Ashley has taught me more than I will ever teach her.

Ashley is beautiful...inside and out.
Ashley is kind...but tough.
Ashley is talented...She sings, plays French Horn, teaches children, excels in school.
Ashley is Godly...she lives by His commandments and shares a deep personal relationship with her Creator.
Ashley cares deeply for people. She's the friend you good times and bad.
Ashley is my flesh and great blessing.

As an adopted person, I never really understood the "family connection" some folks have. Especially sister to sister. I understood my own blessing of being placed by God in a home that was clearly my family, but didn't "get" the deep down family connection of people thinking what you think before you say it. I didn't experience the family resemblance aspect of life because I didn't look like anybody else in my family. That's not bad, it's just the way it was...until Ashley.

As I looked into her little face I realized that my DNA, my traits, my blood had been transferred miraculously into this little person. As she has grown and developed into an amazing young woman, I am continually amazed by the connection she and I have. It's something I can't quite put into words, but it's obvious when you know the two of us.

There is so much about Ashley that I love. But even beyond love, I respect who she is. Ashley will make a difference wherever she is. Ashley will represent our family well. Ashley will represent our church well. Ashley will represent God well.

I'm so proud of who she is.
I'm so blessed to be her mother.

Happy Birthday my sweet girl!


Thurman8er said...

It was so great to see my little niece last night. I know she's 12, it's just that she didn't LOOK 12. She looked, I don't know, older.

We love her so much and we're glad we got to see her even for a little while.

cwinwc said...

Your insight as to growing up "adopted" gave me an interesting window into what my son who is adopted as well, may be experiencing as well.

Brady said...

Bon Anniversaire!

So fun to see them grow up… in the LORD.

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