Monday, April 28, 2008


I'm writing this at my own risk.

I am quite exhausted and discouraged, and that never bids well for the writings of a blog, does it?

So, here's my single rant for the day.

People who are constantly late. Late to work. Late to dinner. Late to the meeting. Late to worship. You get my drift.

However, they all basically say, "I'm more important than you. My time is more valuable than your time." At least that's how I see it. Which may be why it bothers me so!

But my very favorite are the people who are late to worship and then are mad because there aren't any seats in the back for them to slip into. I guess they don't want everybody else to know how late they really are. The worship team sees them, the speaker sees them, the people in the back corner have their worship disrupted, every week. But, really, to be angry because there wasn't a seat saved for you 15-20 minutes after start time?

I'm not sure how to respond to that.

So, probably through lack of better judgement, I'll just blog about it and get it off my chest!

I feel much least until next Sunday around 9:20 when I watch it happen all over again!



Cheryl said...

I'm with you! We have a family who comes to church 25 minutes late every Sunday. I can set my watch by them. What's even worse is that this late family then proceeds to chat their way through the rest of the service. They're not saying "Amen!" They are simply TALKING. Loudly. "Is Grandma coming?" "No, she's sick." "She's not sick - she just has a cough." "What do you want for lunch?" "AMEN! Praise Him!" "Hand me the baby." "Did we bring a bottle." "Are you sure Grandma's not coming?"

This continues for 30+ minutes. They are dubbed 'The LOUD family' and we have had to move to a different section of the sanctuary just so we can concentrate (or HEAR!) the sermon.

But I digress. And I totally agree that late people generally DO believe they are more important than the rest of us.

I hope your week picks up from here. I will be praying you are filled with blessings. And prompt appointments. :o)

Love you!

Brady said...

Ah, you caught me… But I didn't know you were going to post about it.

Melissa H. said...

Maybe you should play the video from this site:

It might help people be on time! ;)

Mayor of Blakersfield said...

I can understand how annoying it is to hear the late crowd complain about their sitting, but at least rejoice in that they came. Satan can easily tell someone, "You are going to be 20-30 minutes late, what's the point is going today. Just wait until next Sunday and go then." Late or early, at least we are finally together.