Friday, November 02, 2007

A Mother's Prayer

If you had a magic bottle, or three wishes, or some kind of "get-what-you-ask-for" mechanism, and could provide anything for your children, what would you ask for? What would you want to make sure they received?

Obviously, we don't have that capability, for the most part. We can hope for a smooth road for them. Good health. A Godly spouse. Blessed children. Good jobs. Happiness...etc, etc.

But, honestly, if life is too smooth and everything goes exactly as planned, when do you put your faith into practice? When do you count how blessed you are, if you've always had everything go exactly how you planned?

Do you remember that time in your life when you were really trying to decide what you should do? That point right after childhood and right before true on-your-own adulthood when you're looking at the whole world and how you fit in it? It can be a bit overwhelming...and the thought of making a mistake with your life is an incredible burden to carry.

In my life, I've made many mistakes. In fact, I'm still making them. But there's a calm about me that knows (because I've experienced it over and over) that God is with me. He walks beside me, in front of me, behind me. He is there when I fall. He's there to pick me up and help set my feet on the correct path...again.

I was talking to one of my children last night and sharing with them some insight into a mother's prayer for her child. We don't pray for them to get a good job and make a lot of money, although, we're not against that. We don't pray for them to be famous. We don't pray for everything to go right for them.

No...we pray for children who will grow to know their position in the kingdom of God. We pray that the only thing their spouse loves more than your child is God, Himself. We pray that when things do go wrong, when difficulties arise, they will have the faith it takes to carry them through. We know that although getting a job is important, it won't be what they do but who they serve in life that matters most.

So, ultimately, what I want for my children is that relationship with their God that carries them through all things that will come their way.

That's what this mother prays for.


Mayor of Blakersfield said...

That is a good and honest prayer. :)

Brady said...

Dads too. And I always pray that they are safe.

Thurman8er said...

Uncles too. And your precious children are very much in our prayers right now.