Tuesday, November 20, 2007

Off my Feet?!

If you've read my blog, you know I had a little "procedure" about 6 weeks or so ago. Along with that procedure, every two weeks come more injections into the vein trying to slowly close down that unworking vessel.

Aside from the initial procedure, it's not been as bad as expected. Last Friday, as I was undergoing another treatment, I told the Dr., "hey, that wasn't bad at all. I like the little needle better!" He laughed at me, as he often does, and told me that it's all relative..."you see," he said, "if you hadn't had the BIG needle before, you wouldn't know this needle is better."

Hmmm...there's a sermon in there somewhere, or an analogy, or something.

Anyway, something went haywire this time. Swelling, pain, really red skin, pain, heat at the skin, pain. Did I mention pain? It hurts for the air to touch it!

So, I went today and that silly man, (well, the very knowledgeable Dr. with a specialist degree) told me that I needed to go home immediately and wrap my leg in my special made "leg thing" and put my leg up. Oh my! What a funny man!

I told him that I had to finish my work, first, and then go grocery shopping for the numerous pies I'm making tomorrow, and when I get home after that, I will be glad to put my feet up.

Doesn't he know it's Thanksgiving and we are awful close to Pie Night?

silly man.

1 comment:

Mayor of Blakersfield said...

Hope your leg is feeling better. Have a great Thanksgiving and enjoy pie night!!!