Tuesday, May 16, 2006

It's test time...
Finals week for Ashley.

It's her last time in High School to experience the long hours of test week...but we all know, College is just around the corner!

There are things about being young that I miss. There are moments when I think, "enjoy this...these are good times".

But testing, nope...don't miss that at all.

Their school follows the Fresno State University schedule which actually gives them 10 days less of class instruction than the other high schools in town. That is difficult for the teachers as well as the students.

She is allowed to take Fresno State classes, along with her regular high school classes, so this semester she has a University Geology class and German class as well. ( my Mom said "she's too pretty to speak German. She should pick another language." Those Grandma's...they're priceless.)

After Finals week, they go into "electives" which basically means she is through with class work and now rehearses and works for 2 weeks to put on a really good show. It's a fun time for the kids after such a difficult study schedule.

But for now, we are in Finals Week. It's difficult for me to stand by and watch her work and study so hard with so little sleep! I want desperately to help, but can't.

I guess the best I can do is sharpen those #2 pencils and pray!


cwinwc said...

We'll certainly keep Ashley in our prayers this week. My son awaits his results on the FCAT as well.

Thurman8er said...

I love Finals Week.

"Here. Start. Don't bother me."

Brady said...

Hilda and Ursula are beautiful, and they speak perfect German.

Of course, French, there's a language for beautiful people.

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