Tuesday, October 23, 2007

Officially Old

Now that the kids are both away at school, my husband and I have found ourselves doing what any normal old couple does.

We eat dinner on T.V. trays and watch Jeopardy and Wheel of Fortune.

Last night, we both decided we were bored. Tired of coming home and "plopping" without feeling productive after work.

Tonight, we went to run errands and go have a nice dinner together where we actually faced each other and chatted. (I mean chatted with each other and not with the T.V.)

It was wonderful, and then it happened.

As we were leaving the restaurant, our sweet young waiter thanked us again and told Lex...."have a nice evening, sir" We walked out a little further and the nice adorable hostess said, "goodnight, sir"

I heard Lex groan. "I've been 'sirred'", he said. "I'm officially old."

Oh...don't worry, honey. If we hurry we can catch the end of Dancing with the Stars!



Thurman8er said...

Wait. Lex is younger than me.


Brady said...

That was a neat post, maam…

cwinwc said...

I agree with every you said, "yes-sir-ee."