Thursday, October 18, 2007


A few days ago, I had a post titled "Moving Music".

Today, my post is titled "Bad Music".

Yesterday, I had to have a little procedure done that hurt like crazy. Not just a little hurt, and I have a high pain thresh-hold mind you. A big hurt. For about an hour I was enduring some big pain...but what was even worse was the hour preceding.

The unknown is always a bit scary, isn't it? So, after they prepped me, the nurse said, "Let's turn on some music to relax you."

Aahhh...I wonderful. I love music. I need music. Yes, music is the key to my staying calm here.

I was wrong. As she left the room, she mentioned that sometimes the music has a "mind of it's own...kind of a now you hear it now you don't" she said as she left the room laughing.

I would love to tell you what they were playing, but I can't. I didn't recognize it. Country, Rock, Elevator, Classical, Punk, Christian, Heavy Metal, Jazz, Rap? Nope. None of those. It was some kind of disturbing new age kind of thing that you would hear in the background of a movie where something very horrible is about to happen. But, the nurse was right about one did keep cutting in and out.

I was in that room for about 30 minutes unable to move listening to that horrible stuff. I had to consciensciously decide to breath slowly and think about something good. I couldn't sing, or hum, because of the awful noise coming (or not coming) out of the little ceiling speaker. So, I thought of scripture. Over and over I said things in my head that comforted me.

Then, when the doctor and nurse came back in, they laughed at the "weird station" playing. I told them I thought it sounded like the soundtrack from a horror movie when somebody is in the basement and about to get slashed.

They both laughed and told me I was very funny, left the station on, pulled up the tray of evil looking utensils, and proceeded.




Mayor of Blakersfield said...

I hope you are recovery well from the bad music and the procedure. :)

Thurman8er said...

I think I'm more sorry about the music than the procedure. We were thinking about you though and praying that all went well.

Brady said...

I thought torture was illegal…

Get better…