Saturday, May 05, 2007

One Eyed and Dizzy

I had an irritation in my eye on Wednesday morning. Not sure what it was, but we think it may have come from the church building when they were cleaning the ducts from the fire...

So, by Wednesday morning, I needed to take my contact out of that one eye because I looked deformed. Bright red blood shot eyeball. ICK! I looked like Steven's cat...if any of you have had the pleasure of meeting Tabby, you'll know what I mean.

I had some old (but not expired) drops I had purchased for a previous eye problem and thought I could knock out the irritation with a little self-prescribed medicine.

By Friday morning, it wasn't any better, so I called the eye Dr. and got in to see him. I have an ulcer on my eye, caused from some debris.

Can only wear my left contact, which makes me totally dizzy and off balance. But, the alternative is to be blind and that's not a good option when driving. I don't have glasses because...well, I just don't, O.K.?

So, I'm leaving Tuesday morning. Flying to Dallas and driving to Abilene to get my girl. YIPPEE!! I'm so excited. BUT, I can't see.

It's one thing to drive in a town you know well without seeing out of one eye...but another town? Another state?!

This morning I went to the eyeglass place that a friend from church works at. They are rushing a pair of glasses for me and to top it off, he's delivering them Monday night at the church because I'll be in a meeting. Friends are amazing.

But for now, until Monday night, I'll be One Eyed and Dizzy.

I always think people with glasses look smarter. I'm looking forward to that!



Brady said...

Ah, those dizzy blonds…

I didn't know you needed glasses?

Thurman8er said...

Memory is a weird thing. Lisa read your blog last night and told me you were getting glasses. I thought, "Wait, she already HAS glasses."

Oh, no, I guess you've been wearing contacts for a few years now haven't you? And your last name...Henderson now, right?

cwinwc said...

Your post sounds like the start to a joke:
"Did you hear the one about the one-eyed blond?"

Hope your eye heals soon and enjoy the summer with your daughter.

Unknown said...

Sandra, surely you know not to create an opening like one eyed and dizzy with this blog crowd?

Thurman8er said...

I know you won't be blogging much over the next week. Still, I wanted the world to know how great you look in your oh-so-cool glasses.

I'm not just saying that.

Stoogelover said...

Did you say dizzy or ditzy? It was good to see Lex, if just for a few moments, at Pepperdine.