Wednesday, September 13, 2006

Blogger Blues...

I don't remember doing anything that would prevent people from commenting on my blog...but somehow, even with a change of template, I can't get the icon for comments up.

So, if there are any out there with a suggestion, I would say leave me a comment, but you can't! So, I'll have to hope you have my email address and you can email me and give me instructions on how to fix this!


O.K....NEVER MIND. When I posted this new post, the comment section appeared. Goodness! It's enough to make a girl doubt herself!


ashley marie said...

You're so pretty, mama!

cwinwc said...

Glad to see you're back up and "commenting."

Brady said...

It's amazing how those little buttons just show off after you tell everyone you can't find them. It's the law of computers, I think.

Brady said...

I noticed that now your links have disappeared.