Wednesday, April 05, 2006

I love the story of David's anointing. I love the fact that Samuel is told by God..."I'll let you know when you find the right person." Jesse brings out his boys and one by one God says - "Nope, Next!" And so it goes until Samuel finally says, "is this it? is there another one?"

Well, yes, but it's the little one, the youngest. You know Jesse was thinking there must have been a mistake. Surely you don't mean this young one.

I love the way what seemed obvious to man, wasn't to God. I mean, if there's a job to do, don't we pick the strong one of great stature? Don't we elect men we see as strong physical specimens? Don't we see the physical person first and sometimes don't recognize a strong heart underneath?

God said, "Arise, anoint him; for this is the one!" Then Samuel took the horn of oil and anointed him in the midst of his brothers; and the Spirit of the Lord came upon David from that day forward. (I Samuel 16:12,13)

Let's work on being Genuine. Holy. Transparent. Let's move away from making sure man will be impressed with our shell and pray that God is pleased with our hearts.


Mark D said...

Great post!

Found your blog through a comment you left on Tony M's. I'll be back!

cwinwc said...

Your post reminded me of the thoughts I use to have concerning an elder at the church I use to attend. I use to think it was a sign of weakness when he seemingly was slow to talk, act, and well known in our church for saying he needed time to think about concerns folks would bring to him.
Now that I sit in "his chair" so to speak, I realize that what I perceived as acts of a weak individual were actually the doings of someone who was strong in the Faith.

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