When I was a young mother, with young children, I thought there was nothing worse than to see those babies sick. I remember feeling helpless when they had a flu or terrible bug of some sort. You do what you can to make them feel better, but ultimately, it's just a difficult time to watch and feel helpless.
I have decided that there is a feeling that is just as bad, if not worse.
Being an OLD mother with grown children who are very ill.
Last week, while at the ZOE Conference in Nashville, I realized my girl was very sick. I have never felt quite so helpless, and even a little angry because I couldn't get to her. I've been listening to her for a couple weeks deteriorate in health because she wouldn't/couldn't stop and rest and get well. (she gets that from her father!)
Finally, her body took over and she went to the Dr. to find she had ear, nose, throat infections, along with bronchitis and OH!, is that a touch of wheezing/fluid in your lung?
After hours of struggling with the pharmacist to provide the medication, (they weren't wanting to give her the medicine because when her purse was stolen, so was her insurance card!) and a shot of antibiotic as well as a steroid shot, she finally had what she needed to begin recovery.
Yes, so my deduction is that when they are babies, at least you get to be with them and hold them while they are sick. This grown up thing stinks. But, I guess I don't have a choice but to get used to it!
sorry to hear that. I pray for a swift recovery.
Rich just told us last night how very sick your baby is. I am so so sorry.
James has been getting his stomach aches again and there's nothing we can do but just rub his back and wait for him to puke his guts out.
Lovely, eh?
I would take 10 kidney stones before having to watch him be in such pain.
I can see where that situation can cause you "pain." Hope she feels better soon.
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