Thursday, October 09, 2008


There are times when I struggle for a full night of sleep.

I'm not one who has trouble going to sleep initially, but STAYING asleep is another story.

I wake up about every 1.5 to 2 hours. Every night. Stay awake for a while and then finally drift off again until I wake again a couple hours later. I rarely go a night without seeing midnight, 2:30-ish, 4:40 ish...

I'm a person who struggles with worry. My brain won't shut off. My heart won't stop pounding over things I can't control but worry about any way.

Some may say my faith isn't strong enough. Some may think I'm not trusting God. I don't know...maybe "they" are right...

I have decided, though, that if I'm going to be awake, I might as well relax and enjoy it. So, I've basically started having conversations with God that last all night long. They start when I first go to sleep, and just continue throughout the night in 2 hour intervals.

I never run out of things to say. Just to praise Him for all He has done would take a lifetime.

I still worry, I wonder, I question, I fret over things I can't control or change. But, God is there...every time I wake in a panic. He's there. I'm so grateful.

Psalm 5:11-12
But let all who take refuge in you rejoice; let them sing joyful praises forever.
Protect them, so all who love your name may be filled with joy.
For you bless the godly, O Lord, surrounding them with your shield of love.


Brady said...

True. We are awake at night to talk to God.
Not that sleep's not important, mind you…

cwinwc said...

"They" need to get a life. I'll bet David, a man after God's heart, lost some sleep when he wrote some of his "lamenting" Psalms.

I went through a stretch of little sleep a few weeks ago. For me the problem ended up being a low B-12 count. Talk to your doctor and in the mean time, enjoy the time with God, laugh, and try to have some fun.