Tuesday, August 19, 2008


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I tried posting while in Texas, but the ACU wireless wouldn't allow it.

So, all my words will remain unposted.

I flew home yesterday and arrived safely and without any difficulty at all.

I don't know how many times it will take before I won't mind leaving my girl behind. I will say this time was better than the last, and the last was better than the first. So, maybe, eventually, it won't be as sad for me.

She is fine. Actually, she is wonderful. People were glad to see her. It was nice to be the mom off to the side while folks from her church welcomed her back with such love and enthusiasm on Sunday. It's beautiful to see your child forming relationships that have nothing to do with you or her dad.

So, aside from a little crack in my heart, everything is good and back to normal.



katie and matt said...

Bless you, Sandra! Every year it was hard saying "bye" to my mom... and it doesn't get easier being married! When we were last in Abilene in July, I said "bye" to my mom knowing that it will be Christmas before I see her again. It will be our longest time to go without seeing each other. When I read about your relationship with Ashley, it reminds me so much of my relationship with my mom, and that makes me smile! :)

love, Katie Maxwell

cwinwc said...

You are so right Sandra. I almost get a rush seeing my son engage and form is own relationships that have nothing to do with my or his mother. Glad you made it back safe.

julie said...

Sandra, I just read back in your blog because I haven't had time to catch up and I realized that I had missed something big....Ashley's baptism. I can't wait til I see her again so I can hug her right....I know, I know I hugged her before and I should've felt that drenched feeling...overflowing with grace and that being changed and shaped part. I love, love, love the waters of baptism.

Thurman8er said...

I think you'll get used to leaving her right about the time you won't have to anymore.

Brady said...

Glad you're back. Look forward to seeing you soon.

Our boy just left for Arkansas. He is happy…