Wednesday, June 18, 2008

Seems like Yesterday!

Lex and I went to dinner Friday night...just the two of us.

That's unusual. If either of the kids are home, we are together. Our family has spent a better part of 20 years together. Together at home, together on vacations, together at dinner, together at the grocery store, or Target, or any other shopping excursion. It is one of the main reasons it was so difficult to let them go away to college. The "together" felt empty without the one missing.

So, when I mentioned to Lex that I would just cook at home Friday night, and we could all be "together", he did something he doesn't often do. He said no.

He told me that the kids would be fine and he and I were going to dinner...just the two of us. Hmmm...sounds fun.

And it was. It was peaceful, and quiet, and yes, we talked about the kids most of the time.

Friday was our anniversary. 21 years. Some very good years, some very difficult years, lots of joy, some tears. But through it all, if given the choice to choose differently, no chance.

It's fun to look back and see the path God has taken you on. As we talked about the road we've travelled together, and the many things God has brought us through and blessed us with, I think the sweetest thing my husband said to me that night was...

"Just seems like yesterday."

Me too.

1 comment:

Brady said...

Happy anniversary to you. 21 years, huh? Didn't know you guys were that old. Love from here…