Tuesday, September 04, 2007

This is the view from the "garden roof top" level of the hotel Lex and I stayed in on Sunday night.

Lex gets very few days off, particularly two days in a row, so we took advantage of this new "empty nester" phase and the Monday holiday (which happened to be my birthday, also!) and took off out of town after church Sunday.

Fresno had 100+ degree temps and the coast stayed at an even 65 degrees. Aahhh....heaven!

Constant 65 degree temps...free of charge!
Discovering an amazing bowl of clam chowder...$8.95
Receiving Happy Birthday phone calls from my kids and a quiet weekend with my husband...Priceless!



Mayor of Blakersfield said...

Happy Belated Birthday!!!

cwinwc said...

Happy birthday and that is what empty nest should look like.