Monday, June 04, 2007

Graduation Week

It's difficult to believe but Graduation Week is here!

I remember the little boy I took to Kindergarten. I can see him in my mind just like it was yesterday. I remember the award he received graduating from Elementary School because he was kind and good to everyone.

I can see the people at Computech Middle School telling us parents that they would love and protect and teach our children to their very best ability. I can see a particular teacher giving me comfort when I was nervous about letting him be in a magnet school on the "bad" side of town...

I remember the first time he talked to me about his Rocket Projects. It was then I learned to smile and nod and say things like, "wow, you're really smart", or "wow, you're doing amazing things" or "wow, I'm so proud of you"...because I truly didn't understand a word he was saying.

I remember the first day he drove his truck to school after getting his license. I texted him on his phone to make sure he had arrived safely and was worried all day until I heard his truck drive in.

And now, it's time to graduate from this and move on to something even bigger. It really does seem like yesterday. Such bitter sweet thoughts. One the one hand, my heart breaks to think about him leaving and going to ACU. To not have him home with me is such a sad thing. And yet, my heart is full of joy and pride as I watch the man he is becoming.

I know life gets busy. I know you get irritated with little things. I know children can be trying. But, in the blink of an eye, things change. So, enjoy each moment. Don't sweat the small stuff. Build each other up every chance you get.

I imagine I'll have a tear or two as I watch my boy cross the stage to receive his diploma. But I would guess I still have many days ahead to say things like, "wow, you're really smart" or "wow, you're doing amazing things" or "wow, I'm so proud of you".



Thurman8er said...

I can't believe it's already time for the boy to graduate. At least we know that there won't be any problems with the tech stuff at his graduation. Maybe he can stick around and run things for Sunnyside's.

Unknown said...

Do you really think you might get a little bit emotional at his graduation? Can't imagine that…

Enjoy the ride…