Wednesday, February 16, 2005

It's Wednesday morning.

Typically, by this time, I've put together the worship for the upcoming Sunday and know who's doing what and exactly how long it will (or should) take. But, today is different. I'm writing, cleaning coffee mugs, straightening my desk.

Apparantly, I'm doing everything except what I should be doing...which is praying, choosing songs, finding Communion people...etc.

I'm reading a book for this series "Going Public With Your Faith". I found this chapter interesting..."God has divine appointments for each Christian each day." I wonder how many times we miss His purpose because we're too worried about the little stuff...ourselves. I think selfishness must get in the way more often than we'd like to admit.

Fortunately, God is God and He will work through our selfish focus to reach those who need him...just as He's going to work through my procrastination to deliver a worship order by noon!

I'm so grateful He is in charge.

1 comment:

Thurman8er said...

Uh oh. It's Friday and I just read about you doing the worship order on Wednesday. I'm so sorry you've been sick this week. In spite of it all, worship will be wonderful on Sunday. We work well together, you and I.

As much as I am enjoying this series and the speaking I get to do, I am so tired at the end of every day from just thinking about it! Planning the lesson creeps into every free, quiet moment I have. I too am praying for the calming of the Spirit, for trust that He will guide us this week.

Get well!