Sunday, February 27, 2005


I am thinking about how very blessed I am today.

I have a wonderful relationship with the people I get to work with every day. We sat around our "lunch meeting" today just basking in what God is doing in and through the church in Fresno. Watching it, Guiding it, Experiencing it...What an honor!

After barely recovering from the flu, I crawled up on stage this morning to help lead worship.

I did what any really good over-paid pop star is doing these days...I lip-synched! Only during the very low songs did I actually get to participate...low songs with only a 5 note range.

I commented to one of my co-workers that it's amazing how I felt that what I "turned in" this week as far as a worship order goes, was, in my opinion, empty...kind of a shell of a worship. I drew from the past and did what was easiest because my health didn't allow any thing else this week. Today was beautiful. God was all over it...He continues to show me that with prayer and honesty and dedication to the over all plan, He will take it and make it amazing...because He is amazing. is worship committee meeting is over...and I'm home. I walk in the door and check on my family. My daughter follows me into my room and lays on the bed to talk to me about "stuff"...soon my son follows and finally, Lex is there with us. We all laid on the bed and just talked and I thought...thank you God for two wonderful teenagers that want to hang around and talk to their parents.

Finally...I come in here to blog my thoughts. I type "www" and up pops My heart no no I think...don't let this junk creep into my family. I sit and look at the address for a minute or two then slowly, with a grimaced face, eyes looking away, click on the address...up pops a site for RC Car Bodies. THANK YOU JESUS! I was so relieved...I started laughing and tried to tell my son about this funny thing that had just happened. He didn't laugh...he was just offended (once I explained to him that "hot bodies" could have meant women). He's such a good soul.

I am blessed.

Friday, February 25, 2005

Shhh...If we don't acknowledge it it isn't real!

Today is my sixth day home with what I've heard some calling the
"Rapture Flu" and what I personally am dubbing the
"Oh, Sweet-Jesus-Come-Take-Me-Now Flu".
My daughter had it a few days in front of me and each night would come in and tell me how I was going to feel tomorrow. A couple of nights, she just simply said, "Mom, tomorrow is really gonna Bite!" Thanks baby. Her prophesy of the following day was correct. So, today I'm thinking maybe going to live and about 5:45 am in walks my son with the exact sounds (cough, groaning, aching, wheezing) I had about 6 days ago. Here we go...round three for this house. Illness can be so discouraging.

As I read my brother's blog today ( I thought how interesting one of his topics was Satan. I had a conversation with my husband just last night about all the ways I feel satan is pelting us. Like big balls of hail falling down on our head...can't recover from one hit because another one has already hit you and another one and another one.

Satan doesn't walk up to us and introduce himself as the evil one. We have to have our Spirit eyes open all the time because it is through the little things, the small stuff that he gets us. The list of ways he can wiggle into our lives is unending, and often it's through the "good stuff" we do that he can worm.

I've had a particular burden on my heart this year for my kids. I have wonderful kids and I want them saved for the work of God. I see them growing and getting ready to leave me. It's time...but it's agonizing. I want them protected. I want a hedge built up around them so high that Satan can't touch them. The only way I know to do that is to pray and pray and pray.

I appreciated what Steve said in his blog. We need to talk about it. We need to acknowledge the power of Satan is strong and not ignore his purpose. We all have purpose, even Satan. He's slithering, lurking, hiding, sneaking, and sometimes even jumping out disguised as good works just waiting to mess up your relationships...relationship with your wife, your husband, your children, your friends, your God. If he can get into those, producing in us anger or bitterness, a gossiping or defensive heart, then he has a foot in the door.

Protect your loves...We all have different "layers" of friends. Protect them all. And if there are some that you have difficulty with, love them more. Be vulnerable to them. Don't let Satan get even a toe in the door.

As we read the blogs and listen to the thoughts around the country, we have to realize God is doing a huge thing in this world. We can only be a tool for one...God or Satan.

Pray for eachother...Honor eachother...Love eachother.

Wednesday, February 16, 2005

It's Wednesday morning.

Typically, by this time, I've put together the worship for the upcoming Sunday and know who's doing what and exactly how long it will (or should) take. But, today is different. I'm writing, cleaning coffee mugs, straightening my desk.

Apparantly, I'm doing everything except what I should be doing...which is praying, choosing songs, finding Communion people...etc.

I'm reading a book for this series "Going Public With Your Faith". I found this chapter interesting..."God has divine appointments for each Christian each day." I wonder how many times we miss His purpose because we're too worried about the little stuff...ourselves. I think selfishness must get in the way more often than we'd like to admit.

Fortunately, God is God and He will work through our selfish focus to reach those who need him...just as He's going to work through my procrastination to deliver a worship order by noon!

I'm so grateful He is in charge.

Tuesday, February 15, 2005


What is it about Monday that makes me want to curl up with a good book and an afghan and forget about the world?

I could say it's because I work hard on Sunday, and although that is a part of it, the truth is, I've been like this all my life. I remember in elementary school starting to feel that ache in my stomach on Sunday night because I knew what was coming...MONDAY! I don't know why...I liked school, but I think I liked home better. Home was a good place.

I love the excitement of Sunday...watching God work through the small efforts we've offered up to Him throughout the week. This Sunday, I particularly loved watching our children offer their "gifts" to one of our Elders, Gene Sue. They've been saving their pennies and purchased soap, toothpaste, candy, etc and packaged them in pretty decorated bags for Gene (and others) to deliver on his monthly "Homeless Ministry" visit downtown.

Maybe it's just the let down of a beautiful day of offering to God that makes me dread Monday. Maybe I feel far from the glory of God...from the excitement of the day before...interesting.

I need to find a way to look God in the eye on Monday.