Monday, December 28, 2009

I received some very thoughtful and nice gifts for Christmas, however, you are looking at my favorite...and to make it even nicer, it came from my favorite children. Along with a very cool rubber spatula (and not your ordinary rubber spatula, but a metal-feel-so-balanced-and-cool spatula), along with a gorgeous table cloth, all from William Sonoma.

I love cookbooks. I read them like other people read novels. They relax me, motivate me, intrigue me, and make me better at something I already love doing.

I saw the movie Julie and Julia with my friend, Julie Locke. I found it sweet, kind of silly, definitely not a "deep thinking" movie, but overall, very enjoyable. What I loved most was the way the two couples in the movie really did love and respect each other. I also loved the passion by which Julia Child tackled the man dominated field of "fine chefs" with such humor and childlike excitement.

It inspired me.

I'm not a French cook. I'm certainly no chef. I'm "southern" in my cooking roots, for some reason with no obvious explanation. However, I'm determined to tackle this cook book with the seriousness it deserves.

I'm not silly enough to tell you, as "Julie" in the movie did, that I'm going to tackle the 500 + recipes in a one year period. I'm not even going to guarantee I'll cook EVERY recipe in the book. I will, however, post a picture when I conquer something from this beautiful volume.

So, my friends, on with new adventures in 2010.

New challenges, deeper relationships, longer times to sit and chat with a friend, greater passion for God, and genuine love for man.

Blessings and Bon Appetit!

1 comment:

Brady said...

I didn't know you spoke, and cooked, French!

Love you,