Monday, August 24, 2009

Nap Time

Soooooo many things to blog about, however, after a call from my girl, I decided this was priceless...

My daughter is close to finishing her degree at ACU. This is her Senior year, with this semester being the last one of actual class instruction, and next (spring) semester will be devoted strictly to her Student Teaching. She was assigned a local First Grade classroom and was required to "shadow" the teacher the week before school started helping with all things "preparatory" for welcoming in your little charges on the first day of school. She did this, and then today was the first day of school

She just called and said that it was funny, exciting, and exhausting. But this story, I believe, took the blue ribbon as far as I'm concerned.

Little Hannah, a new first grader looked at my daughter and asked, (imagine with a little girl Texas "drawl")

"Do we get naps in first grade, Miss Ashley?"
"No, Hannah," my daughter replied, "you're a big kid now. There are no naps in First Grade."
"Well, who thought of that?!" exclaimed Hannah irritated.
"I don't know", replied Miss Ashley, "but I think whoever it was should be put in 'time out'!"
"Yes ma'am" replied little Hannah.

I'm with Hannah. Who thought to take naps away?

I could go for one right this minute!

1 comment:

Cheryl said...

I love it! I reminded my kids when they were young that when they are OLD, they will wish they hadn't fought naptime. Hope Ashley has a great year!