Monday, May 11, 2009

And Do What With It?

So, my sweet daughter and I took her truck... (Daddy continues to say it's his truck but it has some girly smells inside and a pretty black steering wheel cover that proudly displays pink and purple hearts!)...anyway, we took THE truck to get the oil changed and a basic "check all the fluids and make sure we'll make it home to California" check.

There was a very precious young man working extremely hard in the ridiculous Abilene 97 degree with 80% humidity day. He came in to see us as he was about half way done with the complete check and said we were completely low and almost out of "coolant" or "anti-freeze" or something like that. He said that he was sorry but that they didn't have any on hand, but that he had ordered it and it should arrive within about 30 minutes.

We were fine with that...however, he continued to say this..."but if it don't get here by the time I'm finished with your truck, you can just go to something-something-Auto down the road and get you some..."

At this, my very funny, very tired (still had one more HUGE project to complete) daughter cocked her head like a puppy, looked him straight in the eye and said:

"And do what with it?"

Bless his heart...

They stared at each other, each not understanding the other, for a very uncomfortable length of time...her not understanding what to do with the stuff once she gets it and him not believing she didn't know what to do with it.

He politely said, "well, c'mere...let me show you where it goes once you get it."

She followed him into the garage area and watched as he very patiently told her exactly what to do with that jug of stuff we were needing to get.

I found myself giggling for a couple of hours after that just thinking about the uncomfortable moment of silent staring...

He finished the truck and as we were paying I asked if maybe, just maybe the "stuff" had shown up in time? As I asked we heard a "DING" signaling a delivery in the garage and his eyes lit up as he said "that might be it!"

Sure enough, the jug-o-stuff arrived and he was able to put it in for us!

There are silly things I'm eternally grateful for...

Daughter and Mom not having to go to an Auto Store in Texas and ask for something they didn't understand and figuring out where to put it is one of those things!



Cheryl said...

Oh this made me laugh! :) I could actually see a couple of my girls not having any idea where coolant goes either. Glad you made it home safe and sound. Remember that I have a mom in Lubbock and a sister in Albuquerque if you ever need stops along the way...

cwinwc said...

Sounds like you were rescued by the "Coolant Angel." :)