Tuesday, November 04, 2008

A Historical Moment

I had the privilege of voting today for propositions, local government officials, and of course, who will hold one of the most powerful and important offices in the world...President and Vice President of the United States of America.

I had voted "absentee" but still needed to go to the polling place and turn in my ballot. I like to do that because they give me the little "I voted" sticker. I like the sticker.

As nice as that all was, my favorite part of the morning was walking in there with my grown up son who was able this year, for the first time, to cast his vote. It seems like yesterday we were playing Lego's in the floor...

Blessings..........and don't forget to Vote!


cwinwc said...

My son voted in his first election as well. God bless.

Thurman8er said...

Our neighbor, Josh, was not only voting for the first time, but was working at the polling place we visited. He has been a strong supporter of Obama and it's been fun to watch him develop these new sensitivities.

Brady said...

Yep, got to vote. But didn't get a sticker. Rats.