Thursday, February 07, 2008

Tight Schedule

Have you ever noticed that the busier you are, the more you get done?

Let's see if I can phrase that a different way. The less I have to do, the less time it seems I have to do things.

Hmmm...still not clear.

The more I have to do, the more time I find to do more.

Are you getting me at all?

I've noticed that when I have much to do, I tend to be very scheduled and organized. However, my natural self isn't scheduled and organized, so when I have an abundance of free time, or time to myself, I tend to get less done. Isn't that silly? Is there any body else like that?

Just wondering.


Brady said...

Actually, everybody functions this way. We can live in "under" stress, which means we are not challenged, bored… Then we can be "over" stressed, which causes anxiety, burn-out, etc. Then there is a level of stress which is quite good for us, drives us to get things done and be, in some cases, productive. So, here's to hoping you have good balance in life…

Unknown said...

I've heard it said that if you need something accomplished you ask someone who is busy.