Thursday, August 16, 2007

Extra Carrots?

So, I'm at Subway eating my sandwich by myself reading a new book. Ashley is running all over town trying to round up donations for "welcome week" and this is the first meal I'm alone in Abilene. (that could be a great country song!)

I was enjoying my new book...almost as much as my Subway Melt (turkey, ham, and bacon).

My Melt had extra cheese, as well as tomatoes, pickles, wax peppers, and mayo. Salt and pepper was added at the end and I forgot to mention it was on some new kind of cheese bread. I was reading and eating...really enjoying the solitude when a voice started ordering her sandwich in kind of a pushy way so my ears perked up but my eyes stayed on the book.

Turkey on whole wheat, no cheese, (what!?), bell pepper, carrots, and cucumber..."lots of carrots, please", and when asked about "toppings" (mayo, mustard, oil, vinegar, etc etc) she replied, "oh no, none!" (with a southern drawl) and then when asked about salt and pepper she replied that she would take a pinch of pepper but that "salt will kill you!"

Yikes! I really wanted to keep reading, but couldn't help it. I had to look at this very obviously health conscience person. YUP...I knew it. Wearing some kind of athletic jogging outfit tight on every piece of her body stood this beautiful, kind of pushy, very toned body of a woman that I will NEVER look like. I guess you are what you eat.

Please pass the carrots...(and can I get extra dip with that?)


1 comment:

Brady said...

Carrots and cabbage. Very good for you.

Whatchya reading?