Feeling rather good that all this was done, I headed to the back of the house to finish up and head out the door when my cell phone rang. It was my Avery.
"Hey Mom...I'm in Bible with Mike and we're doing that thing."
"That thing" Avery was referring to is a tradition for Mike Cope and his Freshman Bible students. He has them all (300 of them!) call a parent or grandparent and then hold the phone in the air as he speaks to all of us. Last year, I was having lunch with an Elder and our other minister when Ashley called. I had to excuse myself and head outside the Applebees to listen and cry.
But this year, I won't be as mushy, right? I know what's coming, right?
Mike Cope starts talking..."Good Morning parents. My name is Mike Cope and I'm here with your son or daughter in Freshman Bible. I just wanted to tell you we are going to walk through the life of Jesus together and learn more about him as we grow closer to him. I want you to know we love your children and pray for them. And we thank you for the sacrifice you've made to allow them to be here, both financially and personally as you've let them go away from home."
And then the whole class sings "I Love You With the Love of the Lord", and "Lord I Lift Your Name On High".
It may sound sappy. You may think this is just too much mush. But when it's your child there, those words mean the world to you.
Yes, I was a mess...and Yes, I had to touch up the make-up.