Thursday, June 15, 2006

It's V.B.S. Prep week. It's the week that is actually longer and harder than the V.B.S. week itself.

Many folks have been working 10-12 hour days to pull this vision together.

It amazes me to see the dedication of these people because of their love for the children of this community and church.

What a Blessing!

In case you haven't figured it out already, it's a carnival theme this year. Roller coasters, merry-go-rounds, carni-games, Ferris wheels...and that's just in the auditorium!
The idea is that this old run-down carnival with cob-webs and tumble weeds is purchased by an old gentleman who remembers it fondly and loves it dearly. Through work, sweat, and toil, the cast of characters will not only transform this old run-down place into a thriving exciting wonderful carnival, but find their own personal gifts and talents in the process!

I'm looking forward to seeing the process...watching the kids as they begin to "get it". But the most amazing thing to me about V.B.S. is watching the adults. There are people who rarely find a spot to work in any other time of year...but during V.B.S., they find their gift. There are those who reluctantly agree to be "actors" in the skits and end up being super-stars to the children. There are people who sit with the children watching, but taking it into their heart, also. There are neighborhood people who bring their children for the first time, and now, a year later are still coming because of the love they found in this place. There are people who get to work together and realize they have much in common but never knew it because they normally sit on opposite sides of the auditorium during the Sunday assembly time...

It's tiring, it's wonderful, it's exhausting, it's spirit-filled, it's all consuming, it's eternal!

Pray for our workers...pray for the children who will come next Monday - Thursday.


Brady said...

A carnival? Sounds fun. One year that we did it, we called it the Wonder Fair. Ask DB about that one.

God give you energy and… energy for the wonderful week.

cwinwc said...

In the south we might ask if you'll have dancing at your "carnival?"

May God bless all of the good folks that will be working VBS.

tonymyles said...

Your heavenly father sees what is done in secret... keep after it! Live are just waiting to be changed!