Friday, October 23, 2009

Good Song

Some weeks are easier than others. Some moments are calmer, sweeter, more fun, less stressful...

We've had difficult times. Nothing earth shattering. You know, those "little hits" that just seem to keep coming and don't give you a minute to catch your breath from the last hit.

Financial issues, Health struggles, Decisions difficult to deal with, Heartbreak, Sadness, Disappointment, goes on.

Driving out to a football game last night, a song came on the radio. My husband was driving, my son in the front seat and I in the back. I wasn't listening until my husband turned it up just a bit, and while driving reached his arm back and just patted my leg while it played. I'd never heard it before, or maybe I just hadn't paid attention, but the words were precious. He sang quietly, driving, singing, patting.

Nothing else mattered. He is so good at reminding me that very few things are worth worrying about, and always reminds me of the blessings we have. What a true partner and precious blessing he is to me.

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