God took care of Sunday. Of course, again. As always.
I explained to the Praise Team my "sail boat" feeling and they understood. We managed to joke for the rest of the morning using sailing metaphors. It was a good distractor, as well as reminder, that we aren't in charge.
My girl called me Sunday afternoon sounding awful. She's sick...first time away from home feeling really lousy. She went to the on campus medical thingy and they said she has a severe allergy to mold and dust. Abilene happens to be full of both! She never suffered here in the valley, like many do, but they said it isn't uncommon for out of towners to suffer quite a bit the first year they're there. (Hey, Wendy...how 'bout that...proper use of "they're" and "there".) So, we're praying and hoping she feels better in quick time.
Sunday night rehearsal was amazing. I couldn't believe I was standing there with mics and narrators and soloists and the music. Time has flown. I mean, just absolutely raced by. Everything was beautiful. We aren't perfect...yet, but we'll be pretty close by the time the 17th rolls around.
One of my favorite things about doing a musical is what happens on the sidelines. Sure, it's a thrill to present...to perform. But the real stuff happens internally on people.
One person told me she felt like she really "belonged" by singing. She hadn't found her place yet, and through this time of practice, she's found friends and a "spot" she feels she fits in.
We have a young soloist who is the very picture of a beautiful, innocent, Godly young woman...growing and changing in the love of Christ. I tear up every time she sings her part because of the sweetness of it.
There are children singing with all their heart!
There are the "not-so-young" singing for the first time and learning new things.
We have close to professional people doing their thing on a solo...knocking our socks off every time.
We have fellowship, and laughter, and tears. Hard work, frustration, and "oops...let's try that again."
But my very favorite part is when I look around and realize, nobody is watching me any longer...now understand, I am the director...or at least I play one every Sunday, and most director's get a little cranky when you don't watch their lead...but when they aren't watching me, they are worshipping. Full-on-lost-in-the-moment worship.
That's the best part...the very best part.