Thursday, March 04, 2010


My bathroom scale quit working properly (that's never a good sign...) a few weeks ago.
I kept thinking we would fix it, assuming it was just a battery issue.
Husband took it apart, called company, followed all manufacture instructions, and still no scale.
It sat on my piano bench for a couple more weeks until,
feeling my jeans getting a tiny bit tight, I declared...
And so he did.
I got on it.
Back on
Off again
I'm so depressed.
Those of you living in skinny land,
the land where this isn't an issue,
the land where you can eat what you want and it doesn't add a pound...ever,
the land I have never had the pleasure of even visiting, much less living in,
those of you in this land, I know you don't understand.
But today, ugh.
So, I made some delicious butter lemon shortbread cookies.
Blessings. . .


Barbara said...

Hang in there! We'll show that scale who's boss!

Cheryl said...

I DO understand every are an amazing woman, so don't let a dumb scale try and tell you otherwise.

cwinwc said...

My wife and I have been on the "WW" journey for 2 years now. Don't "scale" back your goals but enjoy the cookies, for a little while. :)

stephruns said...

I'm sorry :(