Thursday, December 03, 2009

Women Drivers

I'm going to say something that will probably ignite some folks to defend, object, get, let me say right off the bat, I'm sorry if I upset, but here goes.

Men are typically better drivers than women.

Now, before you get all upset at me, let me explain what I mean.

Men aren't typically good multi taskers...(boy, the generalizations are flying here, folks!) Men focus on one thing at a time. They concentrate on that and get it done. Am I not fairly correct about that?

Women, on the other hand, are second nature multi taskers. We really can do and think and converse all at the same time.

HOWEVER, when it comes to driving, that gets us in trouble.

I've been paying attention to this fact just lately, and I'll tell you why in a moment...but, when driving, women are talking, singing, texting, drinking coffee, comforting a child in the back seat, putting on lip gloss...and the list goes on. If we could figure out a way to iron while driving, I'm convinced we'd do that, too.

So, the other day, while sitting at a red light, I wasn't surprised that it was a woman who rear ended me. As I looked back, her head popped up like she was as shocked as I that she had just hit me.

We pulled over to a parking lot, she got out and started talking a hundred miles a minute, apologizing, explaining, justifying, telling me how late she was, and so on, and so on. She never stopped talking...or looking for her information (license and registration)...she just kept talking, and looking through her millions of papers floating in her car...talking and looking...

I was actually leaned against my car, arms folded, resting, breathing for her because she hadn't taken a breath in about 5 full minutes, saying, "it's o.k. Just relax. It's o.k." She was a mess.

My car is fine...tiny scratch. Fortunately, she was driving a very tiny convertible BMW that actually slid under my car. She was in much worse shape than so many ways!

She finally said, "I can't find my information. Can I give you my card? It has all ways you can get hold of me."

She gave me her card. Worship leader, Inspirational speaker, Singer...

I thanked her and as she confessed she had been reaching for a tissue when she hit me she said..."I started praying as soon as I hit you. USUALLY, when this happens, people get out and start yelling at me."

I turned my head like a confused puppy and quietly said "USUALLY? How often does this happen?"

But she didn't hear me. She was still talking...



Bob said...

Oh, bless!

Brenna Mason said...

Sounds like a busy 10 minutes.

cwinwc said...

Wow, I'm tired and out of breath just reading about her. Hope you're O.K.

Cheryl said...

Wow...I'm glad nobody was hurt. Frustrating to have been hit due to someone's blatant carelessness.

Jason Locke said...

All I know is that my wife has never had a wreck, whereas I have not been so fortunate. Still, I consider myself a better driver and so does she (I think)! ;-)