Thursday, November 05, 2009

Tennis 101

My sweet daughter is taking a tennis class to complete the final Physical Ed requirement for her degree. This class is Tues/Thurs mornings and she has labored through it with great determination. She hates tennis. She is a softball / volleyball player, and really doesn't understand the concept of letting the ball bounce before you hit it gently across the court. No...her idea of "sport" is to see the ball coming, aggressively charge it, and either knock it out of the park with the bat, or spike it down the throat of the opposing player across the net with all your might.

The first week she was in this class, she texted me with this news...

"Dear Mama, I'll never make it to Wimbledon. Sorry to disappoint you. Love, Ashley."

This has been a source of comedy and laughter throughout the semester. The good news is, my girl has a tremendous sense of humor and can make any situation funny in spite of itself!

Today, though, after many weeks of plugging through, here came this news.

"Dear Mama,
I scored a point in tennis. The class clapped! It was so funny. It just happened and my sweet little team and I got so excited that we had to sit down cause we were laughing so hard. The TA just smiled. He tries to be serious, but that just doesn't work with me in your Tennis class!

I love that girl.

1 comment:

Brady said...

That is too funny. And I was always so serious in PE class.