Wednesday, September 02, 2009

Heart of Praise

If you check out our minister's blog @ , you will read about a "Retreat" the ministers of this church experienced last week.

For many reasons, which I will save for another post, it was a very funny experience. Lots of things to be learned about each other. You can't drive for hours and spend a complete day together without learning something new, and laughing a time or two.

However, one of my favorite things was the opportunity to sit on a bench overlooking the ocean. As I listened to the waves crash against the cliff, and watched the water come in and then gently retreat back to the sea, I couldn't help but have a heart of praise and wonder.

It doesn't matter what I'm going through personally, I thought as I sat there. Good or bad, it is tiny compared to the glory of God and the splendor He possesses.

Psalm 57:7
My heart, O God, is steadfast,
my heart is steadfast;
I will sing and make music.

I couldn't help but sing...quietly...calmly...most assuredly in the arms of the great and mighty God.

Blessings as you feel His arms of love around you today.

1 comment:

cwinwc said...

I could hear the waves crashing as I read your post. I love events like retreats because they give us those great opportunites to get to know others and ourselves, better.

God's blessings on your journey.

Hey, we have beaches here but no "cliffs." :)