Wednesday, September 09, 2009

Hard Day

Is there a chocolate diet? An "all carbs all the time" diet? How about a "fry everything" diet?

The trouble with mirrors, is that you can see yourself in them.

The problem with cameras is they take pictures of you that are posted then in the church foyer for all to see...(along with others, of course, but the others look good and unfat)

The problem with video taping your church worship time is that even though you weren't the object of the taping, you are all you can see when watching it with disgust!

Whew! Hard day today. I am posting this because I'm just sure there may be one or two others out there who relate. Even though I am equally sure there are those reading this who have no idea what I'm talking about and maybe even think I'm a little silly.

I am struggling like crazy to not just lose weight, but to really like myself in the process...(whether I lose weight or not!)

So, excuse me while I search some scripture and listen to some music. Feeling fat and empty.


Barbara said...

Hang in there! Some days are better than others, but unfortunately some are also worse than others -- especially if there's a photo involved! Barbara (Julie's mom)

Cheryl said...

Totally relating...lifelong battle and it's no fun.