Monday, February 02, 2009


Have you ever been driving, and realize you've come quite a distance but don't remember the journey at all? Or walked from one room to the next and, obviously, you walked there...but don't remember doing it?

For me, that's how I see the month of January. Clearly, January occurred, because the calendar now says "February", but for the life of me, I couldn't tell you much about it.

I've been in a deep fog, kind of a dark hole for a couple of months. I'm grateful that today, I've opened the blinds and feel like I can breathe again. It will be a slow "coming out" for me, but at least there is the possibility of surviving today.

Here's the news that you already know...I can look back and see God's hand carrying me through every step of the way. I saw a Christmas Musical happen with great beauty...I watched every Sunday happen whether I was "engaged" or not...ZOE was extraordinary. Through it all, God was here. Working through me when I couldn't do it for myself.

There seems to be lots to tell you, but for now, I'll just say I'm looking forward to walking among the "healthy" again. God is so good to me. His faithfulness is new every morning.

Whew! What a relief!


Thurman8er said...

Glad I checked in.

We really haven't had the chance to talk much. I knew that one of the drawbacks to seminary would be the time it required and how much I would miss.

For the record, I miss you.

Sad to say, we may actually have to "do lunch" just to catch up!

cwinwc said...

Good to see you back again.

Brady said...

welcome back. it's fun coming into the light, out of the dark.

Much love from here…