Friday, August 17, 2007


I was helping Ashley move into her nice-new-just-remodeled dorm today when, and I'm not kidding you, the SKIES OPENED UP AND DUMPED, I mean DUMPED, water down. They called it rain, but I've never ever seen it "rain" like that before. This was the kind of rain that if you were a small child or old person, you're liable to be lost. Lost in the rivers that used to be parking lots. Lost in the rapidly moving complete with waves and all waters moving through streets.

Nobody who has lived there, including my daughter, seemed too worried. One of the girls came in and said, "um, Mrs. Henderson, if you want to get to your car later, you may want to move it now." What!? She said it with such ease and not a worried tone in her voice. But to me, that seemed extreme. Ashley just giggled, knowing I was secretly freaking out on the inside but still looked pretty cool on the outside.

I did move my car, after taking off my sandals and hoisting up my skirt in order to walk barefoot through the ocean that had taken up residence in the parking lot, to my car. Took Ashley to her next meeting and drove back to the hotel.

My key wouldn't work so I went to the front desk and asked if they could check it or reprogram it or something like that...(where is Lex?! I'm tired of doing all this without Lex!)

She smiled her sweet smile and said "oh, we're sorry ma'am. What room are you in?" I told her and she replied, "sometimes these get de-magnetized when we have "a little weather" like this."

A little weather?! Is that what we're calling this?

I'm sticking my head out right now looking for two things. My boys (they should be arriving any time now), and a rainbow. I need to see that rainbow!



cwinwc said...

Ah, welcome to a southern thunderstorm. Who would have thought Texas of all states would be at a point where they have received too much rain.

Brady said...

I loved summer thunderstorms in Arkansas. I thought it was great to be able to play in the gutter in the rain. And it was warm.

I remember the hailstones there in Abilene, and the sudden changes in weather.

Looking forward to seeing your song on the hit parade (from the last post). It brings tears to my eyes already.

Mayor of Blakersfield said...

Not sure if you're back in Fresno, but its still HOT HOT HOT here. So enjoy the rain while you still have it. :)