Wednesday, November 29, 2006

One of my favorite things about the Thanksgiving holiday is our family time on Wednesday night...a time we lovingly call "PIE NIGHT".

When you eat the Thanksgiving feast on Thursday, and then look around at the pies people have made, you feel like you just must have a piece...even though you are about ready to POP!

So, we have decided to take all our pies, and bring them together Wednesday night for our Thankful Pie Night time.

Everybody fills out a 3X5 card sharing what they are particularly thankful for this year. We read these cards out loud and try to guess who's card we're listening to. There's even a prize for the one who guesses the most number correctly. ('s a beautiful thing!)

I loved this year listening to my children's cards. I especially loved my nephew, James, having a card this year for the first time. Listening to thankful hearts is uplifting, inspiring, and encouraging. It's so good for us to have to stop, sit down, and verbalize what we are thankful for.

Sunday, church was beautiful. It was wonderful to have my girl on the Worship Team again...even if for only a day. We grabbed a quick bite and then headed for the airport. It wasn't horrible.

I watched until she got through the security check and as she turned back with a beautiful smile and a big wave, I thought of how much she's grown in just a few short months.

The boys were standing by in case I had a mild break down, but nope...not this time. I smiled, waved back, and turned quickly to head back to the car. I didn't talk for a couple of miles...but finally, the lump went down a bit. No tears...just a quivering chin...maybe she's not the only one growing.

Have a blessed week.


Thurman8er said...

I don't like pie. But I like pie night.

Generous Kitchen said...

Randy...come on down and we'll have a pie night! We don't have to wait for Thanksgiving!

Wendy Power said...

I used to like pie, but then AWP beat it out of me.

Brady said...

People should have Thanksgiving more often. And maybe more pie nights.

Thanks for the news on how it went.

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